I've read from Bonnie's Going Home to Roost about the
12 memories (2012) and 13 goals (2013) which i thought to make some review of 2012/2013.
2012 was a busy year for me to pick up new skill in my career life.
In year 2012
1) working in my ever dreamed place ~ Twin Towers.
2) change my profession after 15 years with my ex-company.
3) sold the house in my hometown and purchase the sub-sale condo in my area.
4) read a lot (in train everyday)compare to previous years.
5) learning yoga (an hour per week) (something I want to do many years back)
6) making monthly mini book
7) making effort to find a course
8) making art in slow pace
9) eat more veges & fruits that previous year
10)keep contact with friends
11)join Dehyana's spiritual class
12)stay at my favorite cum never-bored-vacation Melacca for many many days :)
To accomplish in 2013
1) Read all books I have bought in 2012 (fews to go)
2) Stick to my Yoga class - perform headstand (fear)
3) Cook
4) Pursue life long education
5) more DIY - new home
6) Learn life skills - meditations
7) Start spiritual journey
8) Public speaking (fear)
9) Make more re-purpose journal books
10) making zine (I have think of making zines long before)
11) Be a good planner
12) De-clutter &use-up stash
13) Juicing